Our Staff Appreciation Committee puts on several events for our faculty and staff each year. PTA is always looking for help with donations and volunteer time for these various events. Check back for more information as we start our school year in August!

Welcome Back Breakfast!

Our first event of the year is the Welcome Back Breakfast, held on the first day that teachers and staff officially return to campus. This year, PTA collected monetary donations and was able to provide school supplies for teachers, with the extras available to them as the year progresses.

If it’s November, then it’s time for the Pie Patch!

Before Thanksgiving break, the PTA provides a pie to each and every staff and faculty member at IKE. For the 2021 Pie Patch, PTA collected monetary donations and bought the pies at HEB, then PTA volunteers decorated the pies with ribbon.

Chili Bowl!

Chili Bowl is held in February, and the PTA and IKE volunteers provide all kinds of chili and all the fixings for the faculty and staff. Look for volunteer information and food donation requests in mid-January 2025.

Staff Appreciation Week!

If it’s May, we will have Staff Appreciation Week. More information to come!

End of Year Breakfast!

On the last day of school in May, PTA puts on a breakfast for the faculty and staff. For 2022, it was a “grab and go” breakfast of breakfast tacos, granola bars, fruit, juice, and coffee.