Our Campus Improvement Committee is in charge of keeping our IKE campus beautiful!

Campus Improvement is responsible for holding IKE's annual Beautification Day each spring, conducting monthly campus sweeps, and supporting special school and PTA activities.

Last year, our exceptional student and adult volunteers enabled our many successes. We enhanced community service on our own campus and others through quarterly outreach, projected pride in our school, and energized a culture of environmental awareness and safety. Our children and their educators deserve nothing less!

Thank you to our many volunteers--WE MADE A BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

Check below for more information to volunteer this year!

IKE Campus Improvement Days!

Check back for future Campus Improvement Days.

To sign up to receive the Campus Improvement Committee volunteer information: Volunteer Information

Check out the Campus Improvement on Instagram:

Eisenhower Campus Improvement on Instagram

The Campus Improvement Committee keeps track of observations of plants, insects, and wildlife spotted at IKE. Check out the link below for the Observations:

iNaturalist Observations

One project that was completed during a campus cleanup is the Eisenhower’s Wildflower Garden. Check out these before and after pictures of the garden!